What is brandratchet?

brandratchet is a 19-point inspection of the vital systems that determine the strength of your brand. It includes a results-driven readout and diagnostic debrief call to discuss actionable insights. Here's what you get:

  • brandratchet diagnostic– a results-driven analysis of your existing brand to see what's working and what's not.

  • brandratchet workbook– a guide to help you walk through the diagnostic and record questions, notes and next actions.

  • brandratchet Discovery call– an in-depth 1-on-1 consultation to debrief your brandratchet results and discuss next actions.

Tighten up your efforts to build a profitable brand.

  • Improve customer recognition & loyalty.

    Customers that know you and what you stand for will visit again and tell their friends about the experience. That goes for employees too!

  • Establish an image of quality & reliability.

    Perception of your quality and reliability is directly related to how well the marketplace knows that you exist and trusts in your longevity.

  • Gain an edge & increase your market share.

    Develop a snapshot of your competition’s brand performance to identify actions for more effectively reaching your ideal target audience

A Snapshot of the Strength & Health of Your Brand.

Are you wondering why your compettion has the most loyal customers and employees? Make the most of your marketing dollars and efforts and reserve your brandratchet spot today. E-mail [email protected].

  • Strategy Analysis

  • Website Audit

  • Reputation Audit

  • Social Media Analysis

  • Competition Audit

  • Marketing Audit