Only 2 "coach-sulting" spots available for Fall/Winter 2024. Sign-up Today!

3 month Coaching Packages Available

Want additional help working through our courses and tools? Need to tackle a specific challenge or pain point that requires a more hands-on approach?

Contact us at [email protected] for availability of our custom coaching packages.

What to Expect Working With Me

  • I'll always be straight-up with you...even if it's tough to say.

  • I'll challenge you to make the best choices for your life and organization. I "can't not" do it, it's in my DNA.

  • We're going to have some amazing breakthroughs on our journey together.

Types of Coaching Available

  • 1:1 Coaching

    One on one coaching through our courses or coaching packages available by request when schedule allows, first come first serve.

  • Team Coaching

    Team coaching of our courses or other topics available by request. Price determined by scope of work and deliverables.

  • Workshops

    Workshops available for Working Genius for Teams, courses and customized topics based on specific goals, opportunities & pain points.

These are areas I can help your organization with…

  • Creating and Refining Branding and Marketing Systems

  • Culture & Teamwork Building

  • Fostering Organizational Health

  • Project & Event Management

  • Leadership Development

  • Problem & Pain Point Solving

  • Ideation and Evaluation of Ideas

  • Assessing Health & Productivity of Teams

  • Creating and Refining Internal & External Processes

  • Customer & Employee Experience Mapping

What's Included in the Coaching Package

  • 6 X 60 minute 1:1 sessions

  • Private messaging support via your own personal dashboard

  • Strategic focus on your opportunities, pain points and solutions

  • Monthly goal setting and accountability check

Coaching Package Bonuses

  • 6 Types of Working Genius

    6 Types of Working Genius assessment, consult, book and Working Genius for Leaders online course.

  • Special Discounts

    Special discounts on our courses such as The Five Story Pillars and workshops like Working Genius for Teams.

  • Priority Access

    Preferred scheduling for consulting and workshops like brand audits, courses, Working Genius for Teams and more).

Ready for breakthrough and clarity?

Only 2 spots available for Fall/Winter 2024. Reserve your spot today!