We're Focused on Three Principles

People Driven Academy is a collection of business tools, coaching, workshops and courses dedicated to three principles...

  • #1 Put people first. People are your greatest resource, more important than profit, productivity and problem solving.

  • #2 Get organizational clarity. Get clear on your shared story and shared strategy- why you work together and how you work together.

  • #3 Focus on systems alignment. Relentlessly stewarding the five major systems of a brand (story, strategy, service, style and support).

Who are our courses & coaching for?

  • Business owners wanting to increase their ROI on brand building and marketing efforts.

  • Organizational leaders wanting clarity and next actions for improving their organizational strength and health.

  • Workgroups and teams looking for a shared story and shared language to strengthen their culture.

  • Entrepreneurs wanting to jumpstart their start-up the right way.

  • Marketing directors who want a proven brand building system for their organization.

  • Brand consultants and strategists looking to add story and strategy into their creative processes.

Consider These People Driven Stats

  • Organizational Health

    People driven brands see as much as 1.5x greater personal, team and department satisfaction than other companies.

  • Customer Satisfaction

    71% of customers would recommend a business because they received a great people driven experience.

  • Revenue Growth

    People driven brands see on average a 15% higher annual revenue growth versus other organizations.

Stop Wondering "Why?"

Get loyal customers, passionate employees, make the most of your marketing dollars and find lasting business growth. Enroll in a People Driven Academy course today.

  • Are You Wondering Why...

  • Your competition has the most loyal customers and employees?

  • The money you spend on advertising doesn’t seem to be working?

  • You're not standing out in the market like you want?

What Others Say:

[atc] AutoCenter

Brian Weeks

"The People Driven Academy courses and coaching has helped our business grow immediately and greatly improved customer and employee loyalty. We were even able to add another shop!"

Timbuktoons Animation Studio

Todd Hampson

"There is nothing more valuable to an organization than taking an honest look at their brand using these proven methods. The experience and expertise behind People Driven Academy is second to none…purchasing a course is one of the wisest moves you can make."

Photo Safe Keeping

Nate Pope

"I thought I knew my business and brand but People Driven opened my eyes and gave me a new strategic perspective that has helped me reach the loyal paying customers I want. You will not regret going through the courses!" 

Benefits of People Driven Coaching & Courses

  • Improve Your Customer Recognition & Loyalty.

    Customers that know you and what you stand for will visit again and tell their friends about the experience. That goes for employees too!

  • Establish an Image of Quality & Reliability.

    Perception of your quality and reliability is directly related to how well the marketplace knows that you exist and trusts in your longevity.

  • Gain an Edge & Increase Your Market Share.

    Develop a snapshot of your brand performance to identify actions for more effectively reaching your ideal target audience.

What are the People Driven Results?

  • Supercharging the three key profit engines of your organization: loyalty, word of mouth and revenue.

  • Customers who are more loyal, willing to pay more and tell others about your organization.

  • Employees who experience more joy, fulfillment and higher productivity.

Ready to build a stronger brand and grow your business too?

Take the next step and enroll in a People Driven course today.